Different Types of Cannabis Pruning Techniques

Different Types of Cannabis Pruning Techniques

Hello, fellow gardening enthusiasts! 🌱 Today, let’s dive into the captivating world of cannabis pruning. Now, if you’re scratching your head thinking, “Pruning? You mean like giving my plant a haircut?” Well, you’re on the right track! Let’s unravel the mystery behind various pruning techniques and how they can give your cannabis plants that lush, magazine-cover look.

Pruning: The Why and the How

First off, why do we even need to prune? Imagine you’re standing in a room full of people, and everyone’s talking at the same time. It gets overwhelming, right? Similarly, when a cannabis plant has too many branches and leaves, it struggles to distribute energy evenly. Pruning helps in directing the plant’s energy to where it’s needed most.

Pruning isn’t about hacking away at your plant; it’s more like strategic snipping. And there are several techniques to do it right. Let’s explore them!

1. Topping

What Is It?

Topping is like giving your plant a cute bob cut. It involves cutting off the top part of the plant, which promotes growth of two main colas (branches) instead of one.

How to Do It:

Simply snip off the top growth just above the node where two new branches are emerging. Remember, it’s like giving a haircut, so use clean, sharp scissors!

Why Do It?

Topping helps in creating a bushier plant. Instead of the plant growing tall and skinny, it’ll grow wide and full, which can lead to a better yield.

2. Fimming

What Is It?

Fimming is like a cousin of topping. The main difference? Instead of cutting right above the node, you’re cutting a bit higher.

How to Do It:

For fimming, you’ll cut about 75% of the newest growth at the top. This will look like you’ve taken a small bite off the top.

Why Do It?

Fimming can result in four new colas instead of the usual two you get from topping. More colas? Yes, please!

3. Lollipopping

What Is It?

Lollipopping is all about giving your plant a clean, trimmed look at the bottom. It’s like shaving the legs but keeping the top bushy.

How to Do It:

Remove the lower growths or branches that aren’t receiving much light. This gives your plant a ‘lollipop’ shape.

Why Do It?

By removing these non-essential parts, you ensure that the plant’s energy is focused on the top, where the buds develop.

4. Defoliation

What Is It?

Defoliation is like giving your plant a spa treatment. You’re removing old, yellowing leaves to rejuvenate it.

How to Do It:

Gently pluck off the older leaves, especially those that are turning yellow or blocking light to the buds.

Why Do It?

Removing old leaves helps in improving airflow and ensures that the buds receive maximum light.

5. Super Cropping

What Is It?

Super cropping might sound intense, but it’s just a technique to gently stress the plant for better growth.

How to Do It:

Gently pinch and bend the stems, making them slightly limp but not breaking them. This can create small knuckles on the stems.

Why Do It?

By doing this, you’re training your plant to grow in a certain direction. Plus, these knuckles can become powerhouses, supplying more nutrients to the buds.

6. Low Stress Training (LST)

What Is It?

LST is like yoga for your cannabis plant. You’re gently bending and tying down branches to promote horizontal growth.

How to Do It:

Using soft ties, gently bend the branches and secure them in place, ensuring they grow more outwards than upwards.

Why Do It?

LST helps in creating an even canopy, ensuring all parts of the plant get equal light.

The Golden Rules of Pruning

Now, before you become Edward Scissor hands with your cannabis plant, remember:

Always Use Clean Tools: Dirty tools can introduce infections. Clean your scissors or pruners with rubbing alcohol before each use.

Don’t Overdo It: Pruning is great, but over-pruning can stress out your plant. Always give your plant some recovery time between sessions.

Observe and Learn: Each plant is unique. Pay attention to how your plant responds to each technique and adjust accordingly.

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